Bruxism: Intensive Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) of H. Davanloo and Autogenic Training (AT) of J. H. Schultz. Intervention and effectiveness at later stages. Doctors, Dentists and psychologists in synergy

Autor/autores: Alessandro Dott Bargnani
Fecha Publicación: 26/03/2017
Área temática: Psicología general , Tratamientos .
Tipo de trabajo:  Conferencia

Psychologist-Psychotherapist CISSPAT-ECAAT


I World Congress 
International Society of Autogenic Training & Psychotherapy

September 20, 2015, Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Medicos
Madrid, Spain


Bruxism (teeth grinding and clenching of the teeth during the day and / or night) is a disorder present in the population with a percentage that varies from 5 to 20%. This disorder occurs in children (14%) in adults (8%) in the elderly (3%). In the field of psychiatry psychotherapist Bruxism is inserted into the DSM IV parasomnia or sleep disorders.

Bruxism is related to the presence of anxiety in the person, in fact only 3% of the population has a malocclusion that has arched palate and jaw positioned back to the ATM. European research shows a strong correlation between anxiety and bruxism. The research of the UPV / EHU Francisco Gomez further confirms this connection since the release of dopamine is involved in the regulation of emotions activated in situations of discomfort and anxiety with a consequent development of oral repetitive behaviors (tighten or grind your teeth, biting nails ...)

Autogenic Training (AT) and the Dynamic Psychotherapy Intensive Short (ISTDP) are two effective brief psychotherapeutic models acting on the regulation of anxiety.

So you have to decide which Psychotherapy for which patient?

The experienced therapist will be able to choose / identify the most appropriate treatment for that particular patient, as well as their eventual integration.

The CISSPAT Clinical Center (Italian Centre Study Development Brief Dynamic Psychotherapy) of Padua, Italy in coordination with supervisors ECAAT (European Committee For The Analytically Oriented Advanced Autogenic Training) Section Italian present here a case of bruxism with the integration of the two models.

In the intervention will exhibit the theoretical points of the two models (TA and ISTDP), then we will proceed to the presentation of the process of awareness, connection and challenge the defenses of the problematic focus of the patient-specific model Istdp and graduated Dr. Allan Abbass (University Halifax, Canada).

Palabras clave: Autogenic Training (AT), Dynamic Psychotherapy Intensive Short (ISTDP)


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